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General Settings & Configuration
General Settings & Configuration

These articles demonstrate the flexibility of your system settings, so you can start configuring Prospect CRM to suit your business needs.

Compact or Preserve Delivery Address FormattingDetermine how the delivery address appears on quotes and orders.
Set up Secondary Integration to Xero or QuickBooks for Aged ReceivablesSet up your secondary integration to either Xero or QuickBooks for Aged Receivables.
Set up Google reCAPTCHA IntegrationLearn how to set up reCAPTCHA integration for CRM Enquiry Web Forms and the CMS Registration plug-in.
Bulk Updating TagsLearn how you can update Tags on lots of records at once using our Bulk Update tool.
Changing QuickBooks Online Order TypeDecide how CRM orders are confirmed into QuickBooks Online, either as an Invoice or Accepted Estimates.
Product Item Upsell Import (Preview)This article outlines how to use the Product Item Upsell Importer tool.
Enquiry ImporterUse our Bulk Enquiry Importer to import all your Enquiries.
How to Restrict Goals to Individual UsersThis article outlines how to place restrictions on Users so they can only see their Goals in the CRM.
How to Enable Sales Distributor History ImportsIf you sell your products via distributors and want to record the sales they make, enable this feature!
Missing Customer ImportHow to change how customers are imported from your Inventory Management/Accounting system.
How to Enable Postcode Lookup for Other CountriesThis article outlines how to turn on postcode lookup for other countries to auto-fill address fields.
Enabling Email NotificationsHow to enable daily/weekly/monthly emails in your personal settings to get notified about key CRM activity.
Identify B2C Customers Based on Cin7 Omni Customer GroupCin7 Omni customers can auto-detect customer accounts that are B2C using Cin7's Customer Group field.
Unleashed Two-Way SyncLearn more about our two-way sync of basic company and contact information with Unleashed.
How to Set Default Model Account for Account CreationSome ERP systems require a model account for account creation - here's how to set up a model account.
Excel Pricing ImportsThis article will outline how to perform an import of your special pricing.
Adding QuickBooks Online as a Secondary ConnectionHere's how to add QBO as a secondary connection if your CRM is already integrated to an Inventory Management System like Unleashed.
Enable Posting of Cin7 Core (DEAR Inventory) SalespersonLearn how to enable the posting of Cin7 Core (DEAR Inventory) Sales Rep when confirming an order from the CRM to DEAR Inventory.
Enabling the CRM's Sales Order IDs for QuickBooks CommerceUse the CRM's order numbers when confirming orders into QBC instead of allowing QBC to generate its own.
Post CRM Quote ID & Customer Reference to QuickBooks OnlineSelect which QuickBooks Online custom fields to post Quote ID & Customer Reference to.
Bulk Converting B2C & B2B ContactsLearn how to bulk convert B2C to B2B Contacts and vice versa!
Flag Customers as B2C based on Price Tier (DEAR Inventory/Cin7 Core & Cin7 Omni)This article outlines how to flag customers as B2C based on price tier.
Adding Search Term FieldLearn how to add the Search Terms field to help find records quickly.
Notes ImporterUse our Notes Importer to bulk import notes to the CRM Activity.
Sync Account Managers from your Inventory Management SystemThis article will outline how to synchronise Account Managers from your ERP, directly onto your CRM.
Bulk Updating Products via Excel (Preview)Maintain accurate product information in your CRM.
Detect Duplicate Companies from ERP SystemUse CRM System Option to detect duplicate companies from your ERP System.
Set Column Widths for Quote TableThis article outlines how to specify the widths of Quote table columns on a column-by-column basis.
Setting Territory RestrictionsLearn how to set territory restrictions so that sales managers or sales teams can see their customers within the CRM.
Select Default Sage 50 Cost Price TypeSelect which default Sage 50 Cost Price should be imported to calculate margin.
How to Access the API Usage GraphThis article will help you navigate to the CRM's built-in API Usage Graph.
Changing the Initial Quote IDChange the initial Quote ID to bring this unique reference in line with your internal referencing methods.
Managing Your Imports Through Automation ManagerLearn how to manage your Automation Manager and restart your imports.
Controlling Editing of Activity Feed NotesSpecify who can/cannot edit notes in the Activity Feed.
Sync Unleashed Product AttributesThis article outlines how to sync Unleashed product attributes and will highlight where they can be viewed in the CRM.
Editing Email Quote TablesLearn how to edit an Email Quote Table in the CRM to then send to your customers.
Edit Word Styles & Setting Up Custom Quote Table Styles in WordLearn how to configure the Word table for your Quote Document through following this guide.
How to Download the CRM as an App (Android & iPhone)This article outlines how to download the CRM on an Android device or iPhone.
Setting the Filename on Document TemplatesLearn how to change the filename on your Document Templates to make them more personalised.
Restoring Deleted RecordsThis article outlines how to find deleted records using our Recycle Bin and restore them back to the CRM.
Identify B2C Customers Based on Unleashed Customer TypeUnleashed customers can auto-detect customer accounts that are B2C using Unleashed's Customer Type field.
How to Bulk Update Account ManagersThe quickest way to update multiple Account Managers at once is by using our bulk update tool.
Change No. of Decimal Places in Quote TableChange the number of decimal places that display within a Quote table for information like Unit Price.
Setting up Integration to QuickBooks OnlineIt's quick and easy to set up integration to QuickBooks Online, one of our Cloud Accounting System partner Apps. Let us show you how...
Add Unleashed Delivery Method to Quotes & Sales OrdersLearn how to add the Unleashed Delivery Method to Quotes & Sales Orders.
Importing Images from your Inventory Management SystemLearn how to import images to the CRM from your Inventory Management System & use them on Quotes!
Data ImporterHow to use our new Data Importer to import Companies & Contacts in bulk.
Setting up Gmail Forwarding for CRM Inbox AddressForward emails to your CRM Inbox Address to automatically save emails into your CRM.
Changing Default Time ZoneChanging your default time zone for CRM Services such as Task notification emails & document merge fields.
Sending Emails to CRM Inbox AddressSend emails to your CRM Inbox Address to automatically save emails into the CRM.
US Date Format for Document Search & Replace FieldsChanging Search & Replace date fields to US date format e.g. 11/21/2021.
Bulk Update the CRM Special Pricing via ExcelBulk update your CRM Special Pricing efficiently via Excel.
Selecting Warehouses for Available Stock LevelSelect which Warehouses are included within the CRM's Available Stock Level.
Single Sign on (SSO) with Azure AD (AAD)This article provides a step-by-step guide on how to set up your SSO.
Setting Manual CurrenciesIf you don't want to import the currency from your Inventory Management/Accounting System, you can set it manually following these steps.
4 Scenarios for using Account Manager RestrictionsWhen you should be enabling CRM Account Manager Restrictions for your users.
Setting Account ManagersLearn how to set a CRM user as an Account Manager & then how to assign a Company to an Account Manager.
Adding Users to Restricted DictionaryThe Restricted Dictionary allows you to remove Margin & Cost Price fields from certain user's view.
Adding Custom Drop-down FieldsHow to add custom drop-down fields helping to categorise your CRM records.
Setting up Integration to Cin7 OmniIt's quick and easy to set up integration to Cin7 Omni, one of our Cloud Inventory Management partner Apps. Let us show you how...
On-premise Installation RequirementsTo support the options for automation & integration to on-premise Accounting and ERP systems, an on-premise installation is required.
Configuring Custom Contact Preference FlagsSetting Contact Preference Flags for marketing purposes.
Installing Save To CRM Add-in (Outlook on the web)This article will walk you through how to install the Save to CRM add-in in Outlook on the web.
Adding Xero as a Secondary ConnectionHere's how to add Xero as a secondary connection if your CRM is already integrated to an Inventory Management System like Unleashed.
Setting up Integration to Cin7 Core (DEAR Inventory)It's quick and easy to set up integration to Cin7 Core, one of our Cloud Inventory Management partner apps. Let us show you how...
Selecting Default Cost Price for QuickBooks CommerceChoose from the Buy Cost Price, Last Cost Price or Moving Average Cost Price options to use as your default Cost Price.
Checking the Status of your IntegrationThis article will show you how to check the status of your integration and explains what each status means.
Searchable Custom FieldsAdd searchable custom fields to help you find records quickly within the Global Search.
Configuring Cost Centres (Preview)Configuring cost centres to help control who can order what & help improve quotation reporting.
Configuring Urgent NotesThis article outlines how to configure urgent notes within the CRM.
Hints & Tips when Setting up Cin7 OmniA few hints and tips to guarantee a successful integration with Cin7 Omni!
CRM & Unleashed Integration FAQsWe've answered some of your most frequently asked questions about our integration to Unleashed.
Configure Advanced Problem Analysis MatrixThis article outlines how to configure the Advanced Problem Analysis Matrix in the CRM.
Configure Account Manager RestrictionsThis article outlines how to restrict users to only be able to access the records of customers that they manage.
Configuring No Other Valid Delivery OptionThis article outlines how to configure a No Other Valid Delivery option default within the CRM.
Setting Collection/No Delivery as a Delivery OptionThis article outlines how to set collection/No Delivery as a delivery method in the CRM.
Configuring Standard Document TextThis article outlines how to configure a Standard Company Document Text Search & Replace Field.
Configuring Subtotals Table for Quote GroupingThis article outlines how to configure the Subtotals Table for Quote Grouping.
CRM Product Item Groups ImportThis article outlines how to import product item groups to the CRM.
Configuring Custom FieldsWant to add bespoke fields to your CRM to help better segment your customers? Use our Customiser to add Custom Fields.
Pegasus Opera Installation RequirementsTo support the options for Automation and Integration to Pegasus Opera II or 3, an on-premise installation is required.
Exchequer Installation RequirementsTo support the options for Automation and Integration to Exchequer, an on-premise installation is required.
Access Dimensions Installation RequirementsTo support the options for Automation and Integration to Access Dimensions, an on-premise installation is required.
Sage 50 Installation RequirementsTo support the options for Automation and Integration to Sage 50, an on-premise installation is required.
Exporting Product InformationThis article outlines how to export product information from the CRM.
Amending Existing User's CRM PermissionsThis article outlines how to amend existing users permissions within the CRM.
Configuring your Equipment StatusesThis article outlines how to configure your Equipment Statuses within the CRM.
Configuring your Equipment ManufacturersThis article outlines how to configure your Equipment Manufacturers within the CRM.
Configuring your Contract StatusesThis article outlines how to configure your Contract Statuses within the CRM.
Configuring your Document Template GroupsThis article outlines how to configure your Document Template Groups within the CRM.
Configuring Company TurnoverThis article outlines how to configure Company Turnover Ranges within the CRM.
Configure your Company PrioritiesConfigure you Company Priorities within the CRM to help identify your high, medium & low priority Customers or Prospects.
Configuring your Company Incorporation TypesThis article outlines how to configure your Incorporation Types, set at Company level within the CRM.
Configuring your Countries ListThis article outlines how to configure your Countries List within the CRM.
Configuring Additional Phone Number TypesThis article outlines how to configure Additional Phone Number Types within the CRM.
Configuring where Account Managers are set at (Company or Company Group Level)This article outlines how to configure where Account Managers are set at, either Company or Company Group Level.
Configuring Default Quote Expiry DateThis article outlines how to configure your Default Quote Expiry Date within the CRM.
Configuring Default Order Due DateThis article outlines how to configure a Default Order Due Date within the CRM.
Customising your Global Record Creations MenuThis article outlines how to customise your Global Record Creations Menu within the CRM.
Configuring your Customisation DictionariesThis article outlines how to configure your User Dictionaries within the CRM.
Configuring Relationship TypesThis article outlines how to configure your Relationship Types within the CRM.
Customising CRM Records Based on User DictionaryThis article outlines how to customise CRM records based on User Dictionaries within the CRM.
Configuring your Interaction TypesThis article will outline how to configure your Interaction Types within the CRM.
Preventing Users Editing Quote Records in Certain StatusesThis article outlines how to prevent users from editing Quotes in certain statuses.
Configuring CRM Built-in Special PricingThis article outlines how to configure the CRM Built-in Special Pricing.
Configuring Product RestrictionsThis article outlines how to configure your Product Restrictions within the CRM.
Setting up Integration to Access DimensionsIf you'd like to request for your Free Trial to be integrated to your Access Dimensions Accounting System, follow these simple steps!
Services PortalThe Services Portal is the place for you to manage your solutions with ease.
Setting up Integration to ExchequerIf you'd like to request for your Free Trial to be integrated to your Exchequer Accounting System, follow these simple steps!
Setting up Integration to Pegasus OperaIf you'd like to request for your Free Trial to be integrated to your Pegasus Opera Accounting System, follow these simple steps!
Our Integration PartnershipsWe are proud to have unparalleled integration with leading Accounting/ERP and Inventory Management Systems. Learn more about our partners!
Installing Save To CRM Add-in (Desktop Outlook)This article will walk you through how to install the Save to CRM add-in in Outlook.
Setting up Integration to Sage 50If you'd like to request for your Free Trial to be integrated to your Sage 50 Accounting System, follow these simple steps!
Setting up Integration to XeroIt's quick and easy to set up integration to Xero, one of our Cloud Accounting System partner Apps. Let us show you how...
Operating CompaniesWhat are Operating Companies and why do we use them?
Setting up Integration to UnleashedIt's quick and easy to set up integration to Unleashed, one of our Cloud Inventory Management partner Apps. Let us show you how...
Forgotten Password or Changing your PasswordThis article outlines how to quickly change your CRM password, and to recover from a forgotten password.
Editing/Uploading your Profile PictureThis article outlines how to edit or upload your CRM profile picture.
Customising your CRM InterfaceNeed to change the label of a CRM field to help with segmenting your customers? Check out our Customiser to edit your CRM record layouts.
Accessing the CRMThis article will outline how to access the CRM.
Build your Word Quote TablesThis article outlines how to create Quote tables within a Word standard document in the CRM.
Configure Drop-down Menus (Status Codes & Types)This article outlines how to set Status Codes and Types within the CRM for Opportunities and Problems.
Setting up Integration to Access FinancialsIf you'd like to request for your Free Trial to be integrated to your Access Financials system, follow these simple steps!
Custom Accounts/ERP IntegrationsLearn how to use a custom accounts/ERP integration using the steps in this guide!
How to Disable Syncing of SuppliersThis article outlines how to stop the CRM from syncing suppliers from your ERP/Accounting/Inventory Management system.
Changing the Extended Description's Display Mode on Quote TablesThis article outlines how to configure the Extended Description on Quote Tables
Set Default Cost Price Tier for Cin7 OmniThis article outlines how to set the default Cost Price Tier for Products imported in the CRM for Cin7 Omni.
Upgrading Automation ManagerLearn how to upgrade your version of Automation Manager for on-premise accounts integration imports
Setting your Financial YearYou're able to set and report on data from you personal Financial Year (FY)
Enabling Advanced LedgersThis article outlines how to specify multiple ledgers per CRM Company and select a specific target ledger on Quotes and Orders.
Outlook Calendar Add-inThis article will walk you through how to install the Outlook Calendar add-in.
Google Workspace Calendar Add-inThis article will walk you through how to install the Google Workspace (G Suite) Calendar add-in.
Configuring Task Types (Private Preview)This article outlines how to configure your Task Types.
Identify B2C Customers Based on Unleashed Sales Order GroupsThis article outlines how Unleashed customers can auto-detect B2C customer accounts by using Unleashed's Sales Order Group field.
Stock Levels in your CRMUnderstanding stock levels in your CRM including delivery schedules.
Configuring your Personal SettingsThis article outlines where you can configure Personal Settings as well as highlighting key settings to review.