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Upgrading Automation Manager

Learn how to upgrade your version of Automation Manager for on-premise accounts integration imports

Paul Holland avatar
Written by Paul Holland
Updated over 2 weeks ago

Automation Manager is the on-premise gateway utility that runs on your server (or sometimes a PC in the office) that connects to your on-premise accounting system, and imports data into the CRM. It is also the application that confirms Quotes from the CRM into Orders in the accounts system, and (if you have the features enabled) pushes new products and customer ledgers into your accounts system as well.

New versions of Automation Manager are periodically released, which contain bug fixes and improvements to the logging and monitoring functionality. If you have been advised to upgrade Automation Manager, please follow the instructions below or pass these onto your IT team to follow.

This will not cause any downtime to your CRM or on-premise accounting system, it will just temporarily stop any integration from running until the installation is updated and import services have been restarted.

If you have any issues or queries with the process, don't hesitate to get in contact with us here or start a chat conversation with us from the help icon in the app, or the chat link on our website.

Upgrading to Latest Version - 8.0.21

Please ensure you run this installer on the server that Automation Manager is already installed and configured on. If you're not sure where this is, please get in touch.

The server may require a restart after installation. You should be able to postpone the restart until out of hours but your imports may not start up automatically until the machine has been restarted.

To upgrade to the latest version of Automation Manager, simply download and run the installer on the server where Automation Manager is installed and running, from the button above or by clicking this link.

If you get a Windows Defender or SmartScreen warning, click on "More Info" and then "Run Anyway":

Once the installation begins, you can leave the Options as default, and click Install to begin the update:

The installation process should automatically stop all import services, upgrade the installation, then restart the services. You can see the import schedules and history service runs in the CRM using this report.

If you need to manually start any services that have not automatically restarted, you can do this using the following guide here.

Version History


Release Date 2024-01-24

Access Dimensions

  • The system option 'Order Due Dates Ahead' should no longer reset to the current date when confirming orders

  • The Sales Orders and Sales Order Header import sections will now only import Orders (OH_PRIORITY flag of 0) and will exclude pro-forma, estimate and progress claim types


Release Date 2024-12-13

Access Dimensions

  • 'Add delivery charge as order line in Access' option caused order confirmation to fail. This has now been fixed.

  • Sales Invoices (Alphanumeric) import section failed due to an incorrect reference to oder_id. This has been corrected.


Release Date 2024-10-01

Access Dimensions

  • Warehouse codes up to 50 characters on length are now supported in the Stock Levels import

  • Description-only sales transaction lines should now be correctly parsed as NULL instead of empty

  • Padded sales transaction IDs should now correctly link to CRM quote order numbers

  • Zero-value cost prices should no longer cause Products to error when importing

  • Credits import section should now correctly import values as negative

  • Obsolete products should now be excluded from stock level imports

Pegasus Opera

  • Receipt posting should now recalculate the account balance

  • Ranges in the Sales Order Header import should no longer remove data in CRM


  • Products import was limited to 60 characters of the product description. This should now support up to 500 characters

  • An issue with the StockByWarehouse imports using Number datatype has been resolved


  • Order confirmation should now cache system options, resulting in fewer API calls being used

General Fixes

  • Restarting all services in Automation Manager should no longer error if there are multiple workspaces connected


Release Date 2024-07-23

Access Dimensions

  • Import no longer errors if a non-alphanumeric character is used in the range for imports

  • Stock and Price Item import will trim any product reference white space to fix an issue when updating

  • Invoices and Sales Orders no longer need Order Date set for a successful import, Date PutIn will be used as a reserve.

  • Fixed a bug where Order Confirmation fails if the Quote is not under a Contact

  • Fixed the currency import if currencies have no exchange rate

  • Price Items and Transactions will now be filtered by Sort Key

  • Using an apostrophe in a Customer Code no longer prevents the Customer Import from creating any Companies or Contacts

  • Country will no longer populate the Bank Sort Code field on Sales Ledger Creation. The contact and salutation will no longer be posted from the model account.

  • fixed an error where decimal places were not being rounded correctly, to resolve datatype conversion errors converting decimal values to integers

Pegasus Opera

  • Order Confirmation Delivery code will ignore deliveryname if quote delivery info is not used

  • Order Confirmation now has MidpointRounding (AwayFromZero) on final discounted value for many fields


  • Importing Sales Transactions should no longer error for description-only items

  • Fixed a bug causing Sales Ledger creation to crash


  • Applied some enhancements to stop Order Confirmation taking up to 5 minutes per order

General fixes

  • Removed errors that occurred when restarting services that are already running

  • Improved some general Automation Manager error messages

  • Automation Manager no longer logs a warning message when a Contact is missing a surname during creation

  • Improved handling for multiple profiles in Automation Manager and removed some errors when restarting services


Release Date: 2024-03-19

Access Dimensions

  • Credits import no longer errors when processing Product Tour Data

  • Prospects in Dimensions data should no longer cause the Sales Ledger and Missing Customer import items to error

  • Deleting Product Categories should no longer error about being unable to delete from prodcateg_xtra


  • Duplicate Order Confirmation warning will now show the SOR in Exchequer that is believed to be a duplicate

  • Products import no longer cap decimals to 6 places and should now cope with larger values

  • Automation Manager will now obsolete warehouses if it cannot delete them in CRM

Pegasus Opera

  • Deleting Product Categories should no longer error about being unable to delete from prodcateg_xtra

  • Order confirmation rollback code has been improved to mark failed order confirmations as Cancelled quotes

General Fixes

  • Missing Customer import should no longer error if Account Manager is not set

  • Automation Manager will now log the full details of any HTTP400 errors

  • "Primary Key not unique" errors are now logged as warnings

  • Automation Manager will now log the import item and import section to the CRM run results logs and the internal Azure audit logs

  • Automation Manager will now log the ERP system, Automation Manager version and specific integration DLL versions to the internal logs


Release date: 2024-02-26

Access Dimensions

  • 'UDF Import not configured' error has been changed to an Information message

  • Obsolete currency codes will now no longer error when they are deleted

  • Redundant "Aborting Import" error has been removed from UDF imports

  • Access Dimensions "Publish to WWW" field now imports to the CRM product item Web Catalog field


  • Product Item Supplier rows with no currency symbol set in Exchequer are now supported and will be imported

  • Sales Ledger imports now support customer records with no default warehouse

  • Resolved a 'Value out of Range' error stopping Sales Orders from importing correctly

  • Resolved an issue setting the Default Company ID of Sales Order Header records to 0 which stopped sales history from importing

  • Resolved a permissions issue with the Exchequer sales history reports

Pegasus Opera

  • 'UDF Import not configured' error has been changed to an Information message

  • Obsolete currency codes will now no longer error when they are deleted

  • Redundant "Aborting Import" error has been removed from UDF imports


  • Obsolete currency codes will now no longer error when they are deleted

  • Sales Ledgers can now be correctly created in Sage from CRM

  • Resolved an error where products not assigned to a valid category in Sage were not imported

  • Resolved a "Value out of Range" error when importing Sales Orders with a large cost value

  • Resolved an issue where Categories removed from Sage could not be deleted from the CRM

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