If you've upgraded the version of Sage you're running to a new major version, then the integration to the CRM will also need upgrading. It's best to have this prepared before the upgrade as once the Sage upgrade has completed, our Order Confirmation will no longer run successfully.
It’s important to remember that the imports can only be accessed from the server they're running on, and cannot be remotely controlled by us (the CRM team) or any other users. Please speak to your IT team/manager if you don't have access to your server.
You'll need to have CRM Admin rights in order to follow the steps in this article
You'll need access to your company server where the Sage data lives
Step 1: Stop Automation Manager Services
Please follow this guide for in-depth steps on how to stop Automation Manager imports.
Navigate to Admin and into List of Services. Select 'Stop All' from the 'All Services' section as well as Stopping the Monitor.
Haven't updated Automation Manager in a while? Check out our guide here on how to upgrade Automation Manager as this is a great opportunity to do so!
Step 2: Edit the CRM Connection
Navigate to your Operating Company within the CRM System Settings or click here. Using the pencil icon under Integration, edit your Sage connection.
You'll need to change the Version drop-down to be in line with the version you're now running of Sage.
Sage 2025: Sage v31
Sage 2024: Sage v30
Sage 2023: Sage v29
Sage 2022: Sage v28
Sage 2021: Sage v27
Please Note: if you upgraded from a version below Sage v27 please contact the Support Team.
Changing details with your Integration area will affect your Sage Integration and could possible stop it from working temporarily if the details are incorrect. Please be careful when making changes.
Step 3: Uninstall Old Adept SOP Connector
Head back onto your server where Sage and Automation Manager live. Navigate to Control Panel and Programs and Features.
Find Adept Sage 50 SOP Connector Test Program in the list of programs in Control Panel. Right-click this option and select 'Uninstall'.
You might be asked whether you wish to allow this app to make changes to your device. You should accept this.
You'll then be asked to confirm you wish to remove this to which you select 'Yes'.
You should then select 'Remove' when asked if you wish to remove all shared components.
Select 'Yes' for the rest of the pop-ups until it's been confirmed removed.
Step 4: Install the New Version of Adept SOP Connector
Using the options below, install Adept SOP Connector for your new Sage Version.
You'll be asked if you wish to allow this app to make changes to your device. You should accept this.
Select 'OK' for the first warning.
Now select the computer icon to install.
Click 'Continue' when asked to choose items. Do not select or change these options, keep the default options.
Adept SOP connector will now be installed.
Step 5: Test the Adept SOP Connection
In Windows Start, search for 'SOP Connector' to open the program.
This should open a box similar to the image below and give you the option to input a Sage User Name and Password under the Line 50 Company Details area to try to connect. You can test this with any Sage user.
Once the Sage Username and Password has been inputted, select 'Connect'. If this has been successful the Connect button should change to say 'Disconnect' or an error will appear.
Select 'Disconnect' and close the Program. Please contact Support if you encounter an error.
Step 6: Start Services
Head back into Automation Manager, and into the List of Services from the Admin tab.
Select 'Start Monitor' and then 'Start All Services'.
Your integration should be all ready to run now! If any Quotes have thrown an error, please retry them as the system won't automatically confirm them if they errored.
Need help with this? Please contact our Support team if you get stuck or chat with us.