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Enabling Email Notifications

How to enable daily/weekly/monthly emails in your personal settings to get notified about key CRM activity.

Jessica Nash avatar
Written by Jessica Nash
Updated this week

Get sent daily, weekly, or monthly emails notifying or reminding you about key activity in your CRM system. Whether it's upcoming Tasks, new customers that have been added, missing orders you need to chase, or on-hold/pending orders that need a resolution - decide what you want to hear about and how often!

The CRM notification emails get sent during your workspace's daily maintenance cycle. Maintenance is run during off-peak times, usually in the evenings so, expect the daily emails to land in your inbox then!

Step 1: Go to Personal Settings

To update your personal settings, click on your avatar in the top-right hand corner of the CRM, or head to Personal Settings under Settings in the navigation menu.

Step 2: Enable/Disable Notifications

Simply enable or disable any that you're interested/uninterested in and set the frequency of updates.

Types of Email Notifications

Enabled by Default Notifications

Enquiry assignments

By default, the "Enquiry assignments" notifications are enabled, so you get notified straight away about any Enquiries when they're assigned to you so you can follow up on them straight away. You can then manage how often these emails are sent.

My Customers Only Notifications

All pending and on-hold orders

Receive a report of all pending orders. You can then choose to only receive this notification where you are the assigned Account Manager - so you don't get notified about accounts that aren't customers you look after.

Needs Engagement Notification

This notification will send you a list of customers who need contacting. You can also view these customers at any time on the Needs Engagement tile of the Account Manager Dashboard. You can configure this notification to only show customers that are assigned to you, and change the email notification frequency.

New Orders

Receive an email every time a new order is placed and a brief summary of what's been ordered.

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