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Account Manager Dashboard

Learn how the Account Manager Dashboard helps you to retain customers, look after them, upsell them and if necessary reactivate them!

Jessica Nash avatar
Written by Jessica Nash
Updated over a week ago

The Account Manager Dashboard gives you amazing customer insights that help increase customer retention, happiness and upsell. Plus, it'll help you identify churning customers that need to be reactivated - before you lose them for good!


  • Before you look at any of the CRM Dashboards in more detail, there are some key set up/configuration steps you should be aware of first - learn about these right here

So, what data is shown on each tile?

Let's break down each tile in the Dashboard to show you what each means, and how the data is calculated, as well as give you some tips along the way on how to use these insights to your advantage!


The Orders tile enables you to see the total value of orders taken (not deliveries, or invoices, or turnover...just the raw order value) so far this month compared to the previous month. The colour coded interactive doughnut chart will also show you this comparison as a percentage.

The 'See More' link on this tile takes you to the Orders Report, with a line by line list of exactly which orders were placed this month (or more accurately, those that are dated this month) by customer, along with the Base Net Value of each order (this is the value of the order excluding tax and converted to your base, or home currency). The Base Net Value of all the orders in the Report is then totalled and averaged automatically.

12 Month Orders

This interactive bar chart shows you the value of all orders you've received within the last 12 months. By hovering your mouse over the chart, two dotted lines (one vertical, one horizontal) will intersect to give you a more precise reading of the value of orders, month by month.

To analyse a specific area of the chart in even more detail, simply click on the chart, drag your mouse to the right, and release the click when happy with your selection.


The 'See More' link on this tile will take you to a Report which can be filtered to show details of a particular month.

Close Rate

The Close Rate tile gives you a snapshot of the Opportunities that were closed this month, last month and in the last 90 days.

The data that makes up the interactive doughnut chart is an aggregated count of Opportunities by "outcome", which is then categorised into 'Positive' (green), 'Negative' (red) and 'Neutral' (grey), making it quicker and easier to identify performance. The outcome (Positive, Negative, Neutral) can be set against any Opportunity Status that represents the end of your sales process.

The 'See More' link on this tile will take you to a Report of all the Opportunities that are filtered by the date range specified using the tabs under the doughnut chart. For example, if you have the 'Last Month' tab selected, the Report will show only Opportunities which were closed last month.

On this tile, the Avatar in the circle on the left-hand side will show the Sales Person associated with each Opportunity.

RFM Analysis

RFM (or Recency, Frequency and Monetary Value), is an industry standard segmentation technique that's invaluable for growing Wholesale, Distributor & Manufacturing businesses, and it's now in the CRM - fully automated, calculated for you and updated daily based on each customer's ordering pattern!

The RFM Segments in the grid are:

  • Champions

  • Loyal Customer

  • Potential Loyalist

  • Promising

  • New Customer

  • Needs Attention

  • About to Sleep

  • Hibernating

  • At Risk

  • Don't Lose Them

To see which customers are categorised into which RFM segment, simply click on each of the coloured segments in the grid.

Displayed in the top right-hand corner of the tile will be a count of all your customers, and by clicking on this you'll be taken to the full Report.

**TOP TIP** High RFM scores identify your most promising customers, enabling your team to build on experiences that keep them engaged - so use these segmented lists to your advantage. For example, promote new products to Champion customers, as it's statistically proven that they'll be more receptive than others, and are also a good segment to approach for a case study, review, or feedback on a new line of products.

Want to learn more about RFM? Check out our dedicated RFM help article here!

Please Note: Only Companies with a Sales Ledger set, will show on the RFM tile.


In the Problems tile, you can choose to see a list of 'All' Problems, or just those that have an 'Open' or 'Closed' status by using the tabs along the top. For example, by selecting the 'Open' tab, you'll be able to see a list of all customer issues/queries which are still in hand and being worked on. No matter which tab you choose, Problems that have been updated most recently will appear at the top of the list.

The 'See More' link will take you to a Problems Report and will be filtered based on the status selected using the tabs. For example, if you choose to see just 'Closed' Problems, the 'See More' link will show you a Report of Problems which are in a closed status e.g. 'Complete' or 'Dead'.

On this tile, the Avatars on the left-hand side will show the CRM user who last updated the Problem.

**TOP TIP** Choose the 'Open' tab and click the 'See More' link to learn which types of issues are most common. For example, if lots of issues are marked as 'Delivery' in the Type column, because the delivery was late, items were damaged on delivery etc., you may consider investigating the choice of courier before more similar issues arise.

Needs Engagement

Discover which customers you've not engaged with lately using the Needs Engagement tile. Here, you'll find a list of customers where the last active engagement recorded is more than 30 days (by default) or a specified number of days ago (check out this article on how to change the number of days before a customer is listed as needing engagement). At the top of the list, you'll see those customers who you've spoken to more recently.

So, what is an "Active Engagement"? When adding a note to a Contact, an Opportunity, a Problem or a Quote, you can choose the type of note you're adding. These types represent different types of engagement, such as "Called", "Had a meeting" or just "Left a message". We've created sensible defaults for these, but if you create your own, or don't like our defaults, you can decide in the configuration list which of these types of activity will count as an "Active Engagement". e.g. typically, "Left a voicemail" wouldn't count, but an "Onsite meeting" definitely would. Sending a document against a Quote is also considered "Active Engagement", even if there is no previous interaction logged between you and that customer.

On this tile, the Avatars on the left-hand side are the Account Managers who are responsible for each customer. Next to the Avatar, you'll notice a square with the RFM categorisation for each customer. For example, 'P' = 'Promising' taken directly from the RFM Analysis grid.

The 'See More' link will take you to a Report of all customers with no active engagement within a specified number of days. You can configure the number of days before a customer is listed as needing engagement via a system option.

**TOP TIP** Your teams could filter this Report by 'Loyal Customers' to identify customers who buy regularly but haven't been engaged with recently, as these are prime candidates to be moved up the chain with an upsell campaign and an incentive offer.

Missing Orders

The CRM Missing Orders proactively identifies customers you're at risk of losing - even before you've lost them. The Alerts tile tells you how many orders you're missing, based on what you'd normally expect to see from these customers. Behind the scenes, the CRM calculates customer sales history and buying patterns to generate expected order dates and expected values for each order.

On this tile, the Avatars on the left-hand side are the Account Managers associated with each customer.

The 'See More' link on this tile will take you to a Report of all customers who should have ordered by now.

**TOP TIP** Act on your predicted churn by entering these customers into a reactivation campaign.

Customer Trend

Establish whether your customers are spending more with you ('Growing'), spending less ('Declining') or spending roughly the same ('Static') using the Customer Trend tile. The data in this tile is calculated by showing each customer's sales transactions, on a rolling year on year basis. i.e. the turnover for the last 12 months vs the previous 12 months.

The colour coded interactive doughnut chart displays the total number of customers, indicating in green those that are Growing, in red those that are Declining, and in grey those that are Static.

On this tile, the Avatars on the left-hand side are the Account Managers associated with each customer. Again, next to the Avatar, you'll see the RFM categorisation for each customer e.g. 'DLT' = 'Don't Lose Them'.

The 'See More' link will take you to a Report of sales transactions, year on year, which is filtered by 'Growing', 'Static', 'Declining' or 'All' depending on which tab is selected.

Learn more about other CRM Dashboards here!

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