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Sales Rep Dashboard

Sell more in less time, every time, using the Sales Rep Dashboard!

Jessica Nash avatar
Written by Jessica Nash
Updated over 5 months ago

Become a sales hero with the Sales Rep Dashboard! Sell smarter and faster, see where the best opportunities are, and identify deals to focus on to hit those all-important targets!


  • Before you look at any of the CRM Dashboards in more detail, there are some key set up/configuration steps you should be aware of first - learn about these right here

So, what data is shown on each tile?

Let's break down each tile in the Dashboard to show you what each means, how the data is calculated, as well as give you some tips along the way on how to use these insights to your advantage!


Know the total value of Sales Orders either 'This Month' or 'Last Month' from the Orders tile. The percentage figure in the centre of the doughnut chart helps you benchmark performance compared to last month.

The 'See More' link takes you to an Opportunities Report that's automatically filtered to show all orders placed this month, when they were placed, and by which customer.

12 Month Orders

This interactive bar chart shows you the value of all orders you've received within the last 12 months.

By hovering your mouse over the chart, two dotted lines (one vertical, one horizontal) will intersect to give you a more precise reading of the value of orders in your currency this year vs. last year, month by month.

To analyse a specific area of the chart in even more detail, simply click on the chart, drag your mouse to the right, and release the click when happy with your selection.

The 'See More' link on this tile will take you to an Orders Report which can be filtered to show details of a particular month.


Know exactly which Sales Rep in your team is winning the most business and how you compare on the Leaderboard tile!

The Leaderboard stats are automatically calculated (and refreshed every 15 minutes) by taking each Sales Rep's performance last month and comparing it to the current month, then ranking them in order of performance against each other (position 1 being top performing). The Sales Rep Leaderboard is generated from CRM Quote data only and uses the 'Salesperson' field to determine which User the Quote counts towards. Plus, you can see:

  • Sales Reps who are performing better this month than last month (green up arrow to the left of their name)

  • Sales Reps who performed better last month than this month (red down arrow to the left of their name)

  • Sales Reps whose performance remains the same this month as it did last month (grey circle to the left of their name)

To see a specific Sales Rep's sales performance over the last couple of months, simply click on their name or Avatar. This will open a Report, filtered by that Salesperson, showing you the CRM Quotes that person closed successfully in the last two months, and the value of each sale they made.

Note: as a Salesperson, you'll be able to see how you rank against your team members. For example, if the currently selected user does not appear in the list (i.e. not on the Leaderboard), they'll be appended to the bottom showing their position. However, if the currently selected user is in the top three, a trophy will be shown next to their position at the top (third with a bronze trophy, second with a silver trophy and first with a gold trophy).


Hone in on those important deals that you're close to securing using the Focus tile. The 'Push to Close' tab displays any open Opportunities with a close date that's just 14 days away, and the 'Slipping Away' tab shows you any open Opportunities with a close date more than 14 days ago, so you know which need the most attention. Those deals at the top of the list have the highest weighted value, which can be helpful to know which to prioritise.

On this tile, the Avatar in the circle on the left-hand side will show the Salesperson associated with each Opportunity.

Future Pipeline

On this tile, there are two modes to switch between; 'Likely' and 'Optimistic'. Both display a total value of deals that are in the pipeline in your default currency. Depending on which mode is clicked, it'll alter the line chart underneath to show the value of Opportunities that are in the pipeline, from the start of the current month to six months ahead.

Hover over the data points on the line chart to get a month by month projection of sales.


The Opportunities tile simply gives you a glimpse of all open Opportunities that are estimated to close either 'This Month' or 'Next Month', depending on which tab is selected. The value of each Opportunity is also listed to the right, helping you ascertain which deals have a greater financial reward if closed.

On this tile, the Avatar in the circle on the left-hand side will show the Salesperson associated with each Opportunity.

Current Pipeline

Knowing what's in the pipeline right now and next month can not only help focus the team, but help align the team's goals. Depending on the time frame selected (by clicking either the 'This Month' or 'Next Month' tab), the gauge chart will update to show a total of Opportunity values in a Guttometer range (shown as ‘value’ below).

The colour-coded table beneath is split into three columns; 'Likelihood' (the probability of the sale moving to a successful status), 'Opportunities' (total number of Opportunities associated with that Likelihood), and 'Estimated' (the total value of those Opportunities in your default currency). This chart provides your team with a more detailed breakdown of the data, including:

  • Certain: All Opportunities where the Guttometer is set to 100%.

  • Likely: All Opportunities where the Guttometer is set to between 50% and 99%.

  • Optimistic: All Opportunities where the Guttometer is set to between 25% and 50%.

  • Maximum: Sum of all Opportunities.

Quick Quotation Pipeline

The Quick Quotation Pipeline tile distinguishes Opportunities in a Pipeline by stage. Depending on what stages you have set up in your Pipeline, you'll see how many Opportunities are in each of those stages e.g. Quote, Order Placed etc.

Close Rate

The Close Rate tile gives you a snapshot of the Opportunities that were closed this month, last month and in the last 90 days.

The data that makes up the interactive doughnut chart is an aggregated count of Opportunities by "outcome", which is then categorised into 'Positive' (green), 'Negative' (red) and 'Neutral' (grey), making it quicker and easier to identify performance. The outcome (Positive, Negative and Neutral) can be set against any Opportunity Status that represents the end of your sales process.

The 'See More' link on this tile will take you to a Report of all the Opportunities that are filtered by the date range specified using the tabs under the doughnut chart. For example, if you have the 'Last Month' tab selected, the Report will show only Opportunities which were closed last month.

On this tile, the Avatar in the circle on the left-hand side will show the Salesperson associated with this closed deal.

Learn more about other CRM Dashboards here!

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