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Setting a Task (Private Preview)
Setting a Task (Private Preview)

This article outlines how to set a Task within the CRM.

Abby Whitwham avatar
Written by Abby Whitwham
Updated over 7 months ago

The CRM allows you to assign Tasks to yourself and other CRM users and will notify whoever has been selected via email, as long as it's not yourself. You're able to set multiple Tasks on a Company, Contact, Problem, Opportunity or Enquiry record. You can also create a Task that's not associated with any record - ideal for general personal reminders.

The number of Tasks you can set or have assigned is unlimited.

What's covered in this article

Set a Task from Global Create

Step 1: Navigate to Global Create

The Global Create menu can be found in the top right-hand corner of the CRM by selecting the 'Create' button.

Note: If this option is not showing for you please click here.

You then have the option to select 'Task (Preview)' to set a Task.

Step 2: Adding Task Details

When creating a Task, you have the option to set fields relating to the Task.

  • Name: Naming your Task something succinct and relevant to what action the Task requires helps provide a quick overview.

  • Parent: Setting a Parent identifies what record the Task is associated with. You can leave this set to None if it's for a general Task, but it's recommended you set a Parent when possible.

  • Assigned To: By default, this is set to yourself, but you can set this to any other licensed CRM User.

  • Date: This refers to the date the Task should be actioned on or the deadline of the Task.

  • Type: This refers to what kind of Task are you setting e.g. a phone call. You can configure your Task Types here.

  • Description: Use this space to add any important notes and details about the Task being assigned.

Once happy, click Create!

Step 3: View your Task

Once you've created a Task, it will automatically open the record for you to review.

To learn more about where else you can view your Tasks, check out this guide!

Set a Task from the Record Activity Feed

You can set Tasks on most CRM records. For this example, we'll demonstrate how to set a Task on a Company record.

Step 1: Navigate to the Activity Feed

To set a Task on a record, navigate to the Activity feed and select 'Add Task'.

Step 2: Adding Task Details

You'll then be shown the Task creation popup menu. To learn more about the options when creating Task, jump to this section of the guide.

Select 'Create' to set the Task.

Step 3: View your Task in Activity

Once you've created a Task from the Activity feed, it'll display in the Activity in the relevant time section.

As this Task was set in the future, it'll appear at the top of the Activity feed under 'Upcoming and Overdue'. This section of the Activity displays all pending Tasks. You can also see Task details within the Activity feed such as the Task name, Type and whom it's assigned to. To open the Task via the Activity feed, simply select the Task Name to open the dialog panel.

To learn more about the Activity feed, check out this guide.

Set a Task from the Task List

You can also quickly add a new Task via the Tasks list. This is ideal for when one Task gets too complex and you need to add another. Or, perhaps your meeting led to another 5 Tasks to action.

Simply open your Tasks list from the top right-hand corner of the CRM and select the plus icon.

This will open the New Task menu. To learn more about this menu, jump to this step of the guide.

Task Emails

If you've been assigned a Task by another User, you'll also receive an email notification. Here's an example of what this might look like:

Please note: Assigning yourself a Task will not send you an email notification.

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