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Viewing your Tasks List (Private Preview)
Viewing your Tasks List (Private Preview)

This article outlines where you can view your Tasks list and takes you through the sections of the Tasks list.

Abby Whitwham avatar
Written by Abby Whitwham
Updated over 2 months ago

Please note: this feature is in Private Preview at the moment, which means we're still making tweaks here and there to make it even better, as well as limiting the roll out to a few early adopters. It'll soon be available in Public Preview, allowing all customers to try this update for themselves.

There are various places to view your CRM Tasks list. It's also important to understand the sections of your Tasks list to know what everything means.

What's covered in this article

How to View your Tasks List

To view your Tasks list, simply select the tick icon in the top right-hand corner of the CRM.

Each Task tile includes the Task name, Date and Parent record. If there is no Parent record name underneath, that indicates the Task has no Parent record.

Viewing your Task List from the Overview Dashboard

You can also navigate to the Overview Dashboard to view your Tasks list.

Viewing a Report of your Tasks

You'll notice on several Tasks list views with a 'Show More' option.

Selecting this will open a default Report of your Tasks. This shows all your current uncompleted Tasks. Simply use the pencil icon to edit them.

Report Top Tip!

To see all your completed or cancelled Tasks, simply change the Status Filter on the default Tasks Report.

Understanding your Tasks List

The CRM Tasks list has four distinct collapsible sections, each associated with a specific colour. The colour of the Tasks tile refers to the section of your Tasks list that the Task is currently in. When you have a long list of Tasks, the colour coding makes it easier to identify which section the Task is in.


Today's section of the Tasks list is associated with the colour Orange, indicating action is required. The Today section includes all Tasks that have the current day set as their due date and have not yet been completed. This is the first section in the side panel and is open by default.


The Overdue section of the Tasks list is associated with the colour Red, indicating immediate action is required. This section includes all Tasks that have due dates in the past and have not yet been completed.


The Upcoming section of the Tasks list is associated with the colour Grey, indicating no action is immediately required. This section includes all Tasks that have due dates in the future and have not yet been completed.

Completed Today

The Completed Today section of the Tasks list is associated with the colour Green, to indicate the Task has been successfully completed. This section includes all Tasks that have been completed by the user on the current day.

Viewing Tasks in the Activity Feed

Within the Activity feed you can see all Tasks created for that specific record for all Users. The feed is separated into handy sections such as This Month and Last Month, making it easier to view relevant Activity.

The top 100 entries are shown within the Activity feed. To see more, use the Tasks Report.

Upcoming and Overdue

The Upcoming and Overdue section of the Activity feed shows any Tasks that aren't completed for that specific record.

You can easily see which User created the Task by the User icon on the left-hand side of the activity notepad Task entry. By clicking on the User icon, you can view their Tasks in the side panel popup.

The displayed Due Date will also change colour depending on which section of your Tasks list the Task resides. A Task due date that's in an Amber colour means the Task is due today and a Task due date in Red indicates the Task is overdue, with Grey meaning the Task is due in the future.

Please note: The Upcoming and Overdue section only shows when you have Tasks set in the future or uncompleted Tasks in the past.

This Month

This Month's section of the Activity feed will show any activity that has happened this month. This not only includes completed Tasks, but also any Orders, Activity Notes, Emails and Documents.

Last Month

Last Month's section of the Activity feed shows all Tasks completed last month as well as any Orders, Activity Notes, Emails and Documents from last month.

For any entries after last month, you can view them broken down by months and by years.

Pinned Tasks & Notes

Using the pin icon on a Task or Note will place the entry at the top of the feed, above the Upcoming and Overdue section. Any pinned notes with a description are highlighted by in an Amber colour.

Please note: Tasks can only be pinned on the record they're associated with.

Filtering the Activity Feed

To filter the Activity feed by a specific User or only show Important Tasks, use the filter feature.

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