You'll need CRM Admin rights to enable/disable this feature
Step 1: Go to System Settings
In the navigation menu, go to 'Settings' then select 'System Settings'.
In the search bar, search for "Distributor", then scroll until you see the option "Distributor Sales (Preview)".
Step 2: Enable Setting
By default, the setting is set to 'Disable'. Select 'Enable' to turn this setting on.
Step 3: Mark Company as Distributor
Once enabled, search for a Company that you'd like to mark as a distributor. Click on the 'Distributor Sales (Preview)' page on the left-hand side, and click 'Yes' under the Distributor flag.
This will in turn allow you to import spreadsheets of sales from these distributors which can then be used for reporting and analysis.
Step 4: Add New Distributor Account Code Mapping
Go back to the System Settings, and search for the Distributor Sales (Preview) setting again. Click 'Configure Distributor Account Code Mappings'.
Click the plus icon in the top right-hand corner to add a new distributor account code mapping, and complete the details on the pop-up.
Distributor Company: Search for and select the Company you marked as a distributor in Step 3.
Customer Company: Search for and select the customer that buys from the distributor.
Account Code: End-user Companies can have account codes assigned to them for each distributor that they buy from. This account code isn't your account code - it's the account code that the distributor uses to identify this end user account and can therefore be used to match your end-users to sales transactions in the spreadsheet that each distributor sends you.
Step 5: Import Sales Spreadsheet
You're now ready to import your distributor sales. Locate the distributor company, click into the Distributor Sales (Preview) page, then click 'Import Sales'.
Simply drag and drop your Excel file which includes your distributor sales that need importing. If your spreadsheet doesn't specify a sales date, you can select a sale date for all transactions in the spreadsheet.
Step 6: Map Data to CRM Fields
You can now map the data in your spreadsheet to the following fields:
Distributor Company ID
Distributor Sales Ledger ID
Product Item ID
Quantity (Mandatory Field)
Sales Date
Customer Account Code
Transaction Reference
Product Name
Distributor Product Reference
Sales Value
Once you've mapped your data to the correct fields, click 'Next'. Your spreadsheet will then be uploaded and the data will be imported.
Step 7: Viewing Imported Distributor Sales
If you now navigate to the end customer Company record, you'll see their distributor sales listed in the Distributor Sales page.