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Sales History Import Checklist

Overview checklist for importing sales history data into the CRM.

Isobel Honour avatar
Written by Isobel Honour
Updated today

Our Sales History Import allows you to import your sales history for your customers in bulk from an Excel spreadsheet, helping you store all of your data in one place. Please contact us if you wish to discuss importing sales history.

The following guide will provide help when filling out the Data Import Excel template. All these fields will be automatically populated on the CRM-generated template.

Mandatory Fields

All the fields included in this section are compulsory to fill in when importing data into the CRM.

  1. Line Number: This determines the sequence of the transactions on the order.

  2. Ordered: The quantity of product that was ordered.

  3. Currency Code: The currency that the order was placed in e.g. GBP, EURO, AUD

  4. Price: The price of the product sold.

  5. Value (ex. tax): The price x quantity sold, minus any discount applied to the transaction. This value will be excluding tax.

  6. Line Tax Value: The value of tax applicable to the transaction line.

  7. Value (inc. tax): The price x quantity sold, minus any discount applied to the transaction. This value will include tax.

  8. Order Number: The order number of the order placed, this needs to be a unique reference number.

  9. Order Date: The date on which the order was placed.

  10. Account: The customer code for the customer account that the order was placed by. This is so the import knows which customer account to add the sales transaction to.

Recommended Fields

All fields included in this section are optional when importing data into the CRM.

  1. Product Item ID: The product SKU/part number sold.

  2. Description: The description of the product sold.

  3. Cost Price: The cost price of the product sold.

  4. Invoice Number: The invoice number if the order has been invoiced.

  5. Invoice Date: The date that the invoice was generated if the order has been invoiced.

  6. Delivery Address Lines, Postcode and Country: This is the full address for where the order was delivered.

Now that you've populated the Data Import Template, click here to see how you can import your data into the CRM.

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