Please note: QuickBooks Commerce was formerly TradeGecko.
QuickBooks Commerce allows integrations to set their own order numbers or allow QuickBooks Commerce to generate the order number. To avoid QuickBooks Commerce from distributing duplicate order numbers if you have multiple integrations posting orders into QuickBooks Commerce, use our system option to allow the CRM to generate unique sales order numbers instead!
You'll need CRM Admin rights in order to follow the steps in this article
Your CRM system needs to be integrated to QuickBooks Commerce and you need to be a QuickBooks Commerce customer
Step 1: Open Settings
In the navigation menu, head to 'Settings' then 'System Settings'.
Step 2: Search for the Setting
Use the search bar to search for 'Sales Order ID' then hit enter.
Step 3: Change Settings
Choose if the ID comes from the CRM or QuickBooks Commerce, and change the format of your Order Numbers.