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Release Notes: V100
Release Notes: V100

See what features, functionality and fixes were shipped in Version 100 (February 2023).

Written by Martin Clark
Updated over 8 months ago

Please note: We use Release Rings to systematically deliver new features in a way that minimises risk. This means that updates aren't rolled out to every user on the day they're shipped. Instead, they're gradually delivered to a small percentage of customers each day within specified Release Rings. Of course, if customers report issues with an update, we'll pause the rollout while we investigate. So, if you can't see the newest updates yet, don't worry - you'll receive them in the next few weeks.

🔍 Settings, Reports & Articles in the Global Search

We’ve added additional search options at the end of the Global Search results to help users find Settings, Reports and Help articles related to their search results (after all...the prompt in the search box does say "search everything"!).

💣 Unleashed Bill of Materials

In this release, we've added basic support for Bill of Materials from Unleashed. Users of any of our integrated ERP/Inventory systems can already use BOMs on Quotes and Orders. But, now for Unleashed we're importing the details of the BOM, and specifically the recipe of components that make up the BOM, including support for wastage quantities. Then, in the same way as is already available with our Access Dimensions integration, the CRM will perform BOM "what if?" stock calculations, with buildable stock values calculated on demand when viewing the product record.

🧙‍♂️ Magic Matrix Update for Colourblind Users

A colourblind mode has been added for users that are visually impaired or colourblind and struggle to identify different colours. This setting causes the system to use different shading patterns as well as different colours to identify different states/values on visualisations.

In this release, this setting only affects the Magic Matrix, but in future, this may be extended to other colour-coding in the system as required.

The setting for the new colourblind mode is per-user so can be set individually by each user via "Settings" and "Personal Settings", or navigating via "My Profile" in the user profile/avatar menu.

👨‍🦰 Customer Creation Endpoint for 3rd Party ERP Integrations

A new endpoint has been created in the API at /ImportRuns/ImportCustomer. This executes a customer creation action with a single API call. This accepts a Company and Contact structure, and a reference to a Sales Ledger, and will create CRM records in a similar way to the core ERP integrations provided by the CRM..

🐛 Other fixes and enhancements

  • Included a script to tidy up Quotations that had incorrect contact references due to historic (now resolved) bugs.

  • Included a script to tidy up Quotations with missing Quote parts due to historic (now resolved) bugs.

  • Fixed a bug where the Magic Matrix category override drop-down would auto close the Company slide-over.

  • Users can now delete entire Goal rows instead of just deleting individual target values.

  • Added Unleashed customer reference to order headers import.

  • CMS/eCommerce websites are now automatically placed in maintenance mode when the associated CRM Workspace is being upgraded.

  • Added product library to MS Word search and replace plugin.

  • Fixed Library files list to use Word styles when added to MS Word.

  • Added Google Maps plotting to reports based on the Sales Ledgers and Sales Ledger Stats entities.

  • Improved bulk update efficiency when updating only a small number of records.

  • Fixed a bug where an ampersand (&) in the sales ledger name would cause QuickBooks aged receivables to fail.

  • Fixed a bug where the sales ledger drop-down wouldn’t search beyond the first 100 results of your initial term.

  • Fixed a bug that would cause documents attached to emails as PDFs to be incorrectly deleted if the email was cancelled.

  • Fixed duplicate translation for the Company Account Manager ID vs. navigation property.

  • Fixed a crash when attempting to render the last updated avatar when the user record was not found.

  • Added system setting for configuring Payment Types.

  • Fixed a bug where the email sending window would attempt to load an unlimited number of suggested contact email addresses when sending an email against a Company with a large number of Contacts.

  • Fixed a crash where the demo data would conflict with the DEAR Inventory pricing procedures.

  • Fixed some bugs where DEAR Inventory pricing procedures would not convert currencies correctly.

  • Fixed a bug where email attachments from the Library would have a blank name in the attachments list.

  • Fixed a bug where subscriptions would incorrectly count a user twice if it was present on two different profiles with different usercodes.

  • The Sage 50 configuration window now enforces a maximum password length to match the length in the Sage 50 UI.

  • Added a link to B2C/B2B matching help documentation on the system option and UI element.

  • Added more detailed DNS verification to the DKIM setup error messages.

  • Added a system option to hide “Pre-Season” stock to reduce UI complexity.

  • Fixed a bug with the CMS product groups plugin showing raw JSON if the group description was null.

  • Fixed a bug where user email address validation was case sensitive during the data import.

  • Fixed various instances where removing certain components from the detail screen would leave the system unable to render the window title correctly.

  • Fixed a crash where imports would fail if a product cost price was very large.

  • Fixed a bug where the payment type for some PayPal payments was not being set.

  • Fixed a bug where Unleashed orders would be confirmed with a “NONE” tax code if the tax rate was 0 instead of the actual tax code they had been assigned.

  • Fixed a bug where Xero product creation would crash if the SKU contained a # symbol.

  • Fixed a crash where the Global Company Search would not return company groups if they were assigned Tags.

  • Fixed a bug where multi line order entry would incorrectly round decimal values for some products.

  • The CMS forgotten password plugin has been converted to .net and now supports HTML in email content.

  • Fixed an issue that prevented cash account sales from appearing on the cash account tab with Sage 50 integration.

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