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Release Notes: V92

See what features, functionality and fixes were shipped in Version 92 (August 2022).

Written by Martin Clark
Updated over a week ago

Please note: We use Release Rings to systematically roll out new features to users in a way that minimises risk. This means that updates aren't rolled out to every user on the day they're shipped. Instead, they're gradually delivered to a small percentage of customers each day within specified Release Rings. Of course, if customers report issues with an update, we'll pause the rollout while we investigate. So, if you can't see the newest updates yet, don't worry - you'll receive them in the next few weeks.

🚮 Restoring Deleted Records

You can now restore deleted records more easily, all within the CRM user interface rather than having to use the Admin Portal. This CRM feature includes

"cascade restore" functionality that helps you to restore the entire tree that was deleted. So, when you restore a given record (e.g. a Contact), the CRM will automatically restore all related records that were deleted on that same day (i.e. any Documents, Quotes, Opportunities etc. that were manually or automatically cascade-deleted when the Contact deletion took place).

🏢 Enhanced B2B/B2C Detection & Processing

Several improvements have been made to B2B and B2C handling in this release.

Firstly, a system option has been added that can be used to disable the automatic classification of customer accounts (Ledgers) imported from the integrated Inventory, ERP or Accounting system. This also disables the automatic creation of Company and Contact records based on these Ledgers. This feature then allows users to manually set the B2B or B2C flags on a record-by-record basis. This feature is useful when it isn't possible to reliably identify B2B/B2C records using any of the various rules available to you. In which case, this option allows users to intervene and set the relevant flag so that the appropriate CRM records are created as a result.

We've also added the ability to bulk convert Companies to B2C records, and bulk convert B2C Contacts to B2B. These new features will make it easier to convert any customer records that have already been created with the incorrect type.

The combination of these new features, alongside the various rules that can already be defined, should ensure that all CRM records can ultimately be correctly classified as B2B and B2C. This improves reporting and makes it possible for you to analyse and service each customer in the right way.

🐛 Other Features & Fixes

  • A "Change Parent" option has been added to single Companies, allowing them to be moved under a Company Group more easily. This will automatically convert the record to a subsidiary Company and place it into the selected Company Group. Previously, users would have had to convert a single Company to a Company Group first, then move the subsidiary between the two Company Groups. This update eliminates and simplifies much of this processing.

  • Added new dynamic Report date filters for “in the future” and “in the past”.

  • Improved the alignment of grouped fields in Reports to make reading or scanning the grouping and totals much easier.

  • Alt Ref and Analysis fields have been added to the Sales Order Header entity. Cin7 imports will also automatically populate these fields with ProjectName and CostCentre respectively. Other imports may be updated to populate these fields with relevant data in a future release.

  • A foreign key has been added between the Sales Order Header entity and the Sales Transaction entity. This allows users to report on Sales Transactions, and include data from the Sales Order Header entity (where a relevant Sales Order record exists).

  • Tax is now recalculated when changing the parent of a Quote to a different Company. This is important/relevant when the two Companies have different tax settings.

  • Fixed a bug where price recalculations were sometimes not performed when moving a Quote between Companies.

  • A comment field has been added to webhooks to help users identify each webhook and its purpose. This can be populated when creating webhooks from Zapier or other tools.

  • Some System Settings have been updated to appear for all Inventory, ERP or Accounting systems where appropriate.

  • Fixed a bug where the Contract drop-down on Problems could load very large amounts of data (was only an issue if a given customer has a very large number of valid Contracts).

  • Renamed the “Add fields” button on the field search popup to say “Update fields” to better reflect its behaviour.

  • Fixed a bug where editable toggles would appear for fields on entities that were marked as read-only.

  • Fixed a bug that would cause excessive translation queries when searching for a field to add to a Report.

  • Removed “Default Account Manager” from the industry type screen. This is a deprecated feature.

  • Fixed a bug that prevented Report filter checkboxes from showing the correct checked state if the checkbox itself was clicked on.

  • Fixed a bug where the billing details screen would show the current minimum users when showing the bills for prior months.

  • Fixed a bug where the additional phone numbers button would appear during Contact creation (and behave oddly when clicked!).

  • Fixed a bug where Save to CRM was using an out-of-date search endpoint that had less capability than the latest search endpoints.

  • Upgraded the CMS Editor component library to a later version, and reinstate link and image browsing windows (previously removed due to an identified security risk in the older component library version).

  • Fixed a bug in the CMS where product groups would not show the overridden title.

  • Re-instated the “Show X Thumbnails” option to the product groups plugin arguments form.

  • Fixed a bug where the order history plugin would fail to display if a basket or product contained special characters in its name.

  • Fixed a bug where nullable integers could not be set via the configure UI.

  • Fixed a bug where Unleashed invoice headers import was using the order quantity instead of the invoice quantity.

  • Fixed a bug where the “Send Email” and quick email buttons were unavailable if a contact had no primary email, but did have additional emails.

  • Updated QuoteBySalesPersonCube to perform timezone shifts for month start/end dates.

  • Fixed a rare bug where complex queries were unable to return more than 250 results at once.

  • Fixed a missing field translation for "Grouping Magic Matrix Category" in the Magic Matrix cube.

  • Updated the third-party integration framework UI to no longer show the “overwrite” checkbox or say “Your data will be available soon”.

  • Updated the Dashboards to allow them to be accessed immediately if a third-party integration has been configured.

  • Fixed User Management screen showing permissions for profiles that no longer exist.

  • Removed obsolete “print details” permission from User Management screen.

  • Improved performance of user permission sync.

  • Fixed an issue in the new User Management screens where users would appear to have access to Workspaces even though the user was unlicensed.

  • Improved the styling of unlicensed users in the new User Management screens.

  • Added a title to the role granting UI to make it easier to spot these options in the new User Management screens.

  • Updated CMS permissions to be Workspace-specific instead of global. This allows a user to be given the ability to update sites for specific Workspace (and not others) rather than having to be given permission to all Workspaces and all sites.

  • Removed the Preview flag from User Management screens. Once these new User Management screens are rolled out to all users, the User Management features in the Admin Portal will be deprecated.

  • Fixed an import crash if a product item supplier is imported for a purchase ledger that doesn’t exist.

  • Fixed a bug that caused the Enquiry screen users drop-down to fail to search beyond the first 50 users.

  • Fixed a bug where the Quote tax code override would get set to [object Object] in some circumstances.

  • Added an info link for Zapier to the Integrations screen.

  • Fixed a bug where data sets could cause queries to be sent to OData lite using features that it doesn't support.

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