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Release Notes: V68

See what features, functionality and fixes were shipped in Version 68 (March 2021).

Written by Martin Clark
Updated over 7 months ago

Please note: We use Release Rings to systematically roll out new features to users in a way that minimises risk. This means that new updates aren't rolled out to every user on the day they're shipped. Instead, new versions are gradually delivered to a small percentage of customers each day within our specified Release Rings. Of course, if customers report issues with the new update, we can then pause the rollout while we investigate. So, if you can't see the newest updates yet, don't worry - you'll receive them in the next few weeks.

❗ Mandatory Field Support in the Customiser

It's now possible to set fields as mandatory in the customiser. If a field is mandatory, it'll automatically appear on the creation screen for that record type. Please note: this feature is only partially complete in this version. Only individual fields are fully supported with this feature, so fields that are part of larger components will not always behave this way. Fields must also belong to the entity being customised (including custom fields for that entity). There are also known issues where the creation form includes fields from multiple entities - for example when creating a company, company and contact via the "new b2b record" screen.

🏷️ Price List/Tier Selection on Quotes & Orders

You can now select the price list/tier to be used when quoting with DEAR, Unleashed and the CRM pricing. This causes the auto-generated prices to be based on the selected price list. This can be useful in overriding a customer prices list for a specific quote, or more usefully, to use a price list even when the customer doesn’t yet have an account, and therefore doesn't have a default price list. In either case, choosing a price list on a quote or order, applies that price list only to that one quote or order.

🐛 Other Fixes & Enhancements

  • The Gmail plugin (in private preview) to no longer forwards emails directly. This avoids cluttering up the conversation chain.

  • Fixed handling of draft Xero invoices so they are imported as active, with the correct type, on both lines and headers

  • Updated equipment creation from sales history import (Unleashed only) to assign equipment items to the invoiced Companies. The commissioned date is also now being set to the invoice date.

  • Updated all instances of the text “Recall” to “Task” (or similar appropriate text) throughout the system. The term "Recall" has been used for a long time but was increasingly being confused with product recalls (for faulty batches of products).

  • Fixed incorrect currency mask appearing for customers with no transactions or zero credit limit (where the currency mask always defaulted to GBP and the £ symbol).

  • Moved customer type field from the Company to Sales Ledger entity and allowed it to be set when creating an Unleashed ledger from within the CRM.

  • Fixed custom drop-downs failing to display the correct value when exporting to Excel, being used in Document find-and-replace fields and in Group by Reports.

  • Fixed Sales Ledger drop-down on Company not listing associated ledgers when using the Advanced Ledgers option.

  • Fixed margin field displaying as a "read-only text box" (making it look odd and untidy) if margin is not applicable.

  • Disabled the ability to add customisations via the UI if legacy customisations are in place. There is significant incompatibility between legacy customisations and modern UI-configured customisations. Customers with legacy customisations, who then need to use the UI to add further customisations will need to contact us to arrange a project to update the legacy customisations.

  • Moved the Operating Companies settings page to the top of “Integration”

  • Fixed various places in the settings screen where the Operating Companies are referred to as “Home Currencies”.

  • Fixed alternate email addresses not being used when creating an email via the document create screen. A previous release made alternate email addresses easier to use, but this one scenario was missed.

  • Improved user filtering to avoid users like WWW or DBA from appearing in drop-downs and other lists.

  • Opportunity and Problem Status 'closed' state is now a boolean toggle for improved report builder filtering.

  • Fixed upgrades sometimes failing when attempting to disable an active Mailchimp integration.

  • Fixed bug that caused Company names to persist as the original value when creating a SingleCompany record where the company name is entered and then modified.

  • Added the ability to sync product restrictions based on web group membership.

  • Improved QuickBooks Commerce product images import to handle situations where images are returned by the QBC API that don’t match any valid products.

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