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Customers who Bought X but not Y Report
Customers who Bought X but not Y Report

Identify exactly which customers bought one of your products and not another using our standard Sales Report in the CRM!

Jessica Nash avatar
Written by Jessica Nash
Updated over a week ago

Discover which customers purchased one specific product from you but not another using the "Customers who bought X but not Y" Report in the CRM. Knowing who these customers are and making them aware of a second item can encourage greater purchase volume per customer and increase average order values.

Here are some common reasons why customers may wish to purchase product X and Y, with some suggested campaigns you could run - helping you turn these insights into sales!

Similar Products

You may have two comparable products, so customers will likely be interested in the similar product if they purchased the other.

Add these customers into a "Product Recommendations Based on Past Purchases" campaign, explaining why they'll like product Y if they liked product X.

Complimentary Products

Product Y is seen as complementary to product X. Even though it's not required that they're purchased together, other customers have purchased both as they feel they get more value/use from product X when bought with Y.

Include these customers in a "Frequently Purchased Together" campaign. Using the Report in the CRM, you've already segmented these customers based on what they've purchased previously, so sending them a personalised email, educating them about another product that works well with it will mean they're much more likely to buy!

Using the "Bought X but not Y" Report in the CRM

Now you've got some ideas on how to action the results from the Report, let's show you where to find it and how to add your own product codes.

Step 1: Locate Report

Go to Sales Reports by clicking 'Sales' on the left-hand side. From here, select the 'Customers who bought X but not Y' Report.

Step 2: Add SKUs

You'll notice we've already applied the important filters for you, so all you need to do is add the SKUs of the two products you want to analyse. Simply type these in (or copy and paste them in) to the fields provided. This will then update the results of the Report in the centre of your screen.

Using the drop-down options, you can choose how the Report searches for SKUs to ensure the most relevant SKUs are listed in the results e.g. 'Contains', 'Starts with', 'Doesn't start with' etc.

Note: You could even use this Report to simply identify customers that did or didn't buy a specific product, and choose not to add a secondary product code to compare it with.

Step 3: Add to Campaign Activity

Now you've got this list of customers, you can use this analysis to drive a campaign in Mailchimp or Spotler. Simply click on the further options menu (three dots) to add them to a Campaign Activity (for Spotler or Mailchimp) or tag them in Mailchimp instead!



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