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Kanban View/Layout

This article describes what Kanban Reports are and how they can be used to improve the efficiency of your sales process.

Jessica Nash avatar
Written by Jessica Nash
Updated over 11 months ago

What are Kanban Reports?

Kanban reports are a way to visualise and move Opportunity or Enquiry records in the CRM system. The Kanban view displays all reported Opportunities or Enquiries as cards on a board, providing a clear overview of their current pipeline status. It is designed to increase visibility, improve efficiency and help the team focus.

The Kanban board divides each Opportunity or Enquiry into distinct columns based on their pipeline status, such as Lead, Qualified or Pushing for Close. This makes it easy to understand where each Opportunity or Enquiry is in the sales process and take further action if necessary.

How do I get access to Kanban Reports?

You can access the Kanban View on any Opportunity and Enquiry report using the steps below!

Step 1: Locate an Opportunity or Enquiry Report

Navigate to a report which is based on Opportunity or Enquiries. This examples uses the Standard Opportunity report which can be found here.

Step 2: Switch to Kanban view!

If you are on an Opportunity or Enquiry report, you will get the option to switch the report view using the buttons in the top right-hand corner of the report.

Opportunity Kanban Views

For any Opportunity report you will have 3 view options:

  • Standard Table view

  • Kanban by Status view

  • Kanban by Estimated Close view

Opportunity Kanban by Status

The Kanban by Status view will display all Opportunities within the selected Pipeline segmented by their current status. Each column will represent the Pipeline Statuses.

Opportunity Kanban by Estimated Close

The Kanban by Estimated Close view will display Opportunities within the selected Pipeline and segmented by the date their Estimated Close is set to.

Enquiry Kanban Views

For any Enquiry report you will have the view option:

  • Enquiry Status

Enquiry Status view

The Kanban by Enquiry Status will show your Enquiries within the pipeline status columns. You can also convert Enquiries from this page by dragging and dropping the card into the Converted column!

If you notice that your converted column is empty, don't panic! Once an Enquiry is converted it will then be obsoleted and so won't show in Enquiry reports.

In case you did want the report to show all your converted Enquiries, simply remove the Status Flag filter.

Step 3: Move the cards and view details

You can fully manage your records when in the Kanban view. You are able to edit the record details from the cards as well as moving what status the record is in or it's estimates close date. It's really easy to move the cards around the Kanban, simply select the card to drag and drop!

If you wished to see more information on a card within the report, for example, you wanted to check the last activity on an Opportunity. You can select the Card title and it will open the details in a sidebar popup. You can then edit information on that Opportunity as if you were in the actual record view.

If you wished to open the record fully in a new tab then select 'Open Record'.

Kanban Top Tips

Changing the Kanban Pipeline

If you notice not all your records are showing on the report, you might need to change the pipeline the report is showing!

You can change the pipeline the report uses by selecting the drop-down in the top right-hand corner. This allows you to monitor Opportunities within each Pipeline separately or use the 'All Pipelines' option at the top of the drop-down for a complete overview.

Showing column card count

There is also the option to show the total cards in each column! To do this, open the Grouping and Summary menu from the further options menu (three-dot menu) from within the Kanban report.

Under the Kanban Column Summary tick 'Show Count'. With 'Show Count' ticked, the system will count the amount of Cards in the column.

Please Note: The column count does not include the 'closed' columns. For example, the Converted or Won columns.

Looking for some tips on how to create a report? Check out this guide here!

Please Note: Kanban view is currently only for Enquiry and Opportunity records.

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