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Installing Save To CRM Add-in (Gmail)

This article will walk you through how to install the Save to CRM add-in for Gmail.

Jessica Nash avatar
Written by Jessica Nash
Updated over a month ago

Save to CRM can be added to your Gmail inbox, so you can save incoming emails to the relevant CRM record, quickly and easily. By saving emails into the CRM from Gmail, your whole team will have full visibility of any correspondence about the customer/Opportunity/Problem etc.

For outgoing emails, we'd recommend sending emails via the CRM, as these will be automatically saved into the CRM against the record it was sent from.


  • You need to be a licenced CRM user to use this feature

  • Your CRM user email must match your Gmail email address

Step 1: Go to Google Marketplace & Install App

Go to the Google Marketplace here, and download the Prospect Save to CRM app for Gmail by clicking 'Install'.

Continue through the prompts.

Once installed successfully, you'll see a confirmation pop-up like the one below.

Step 2: Log into the CRM & Gmail

Once downloaded, make sure you have two separate tabs open; one where you're logged into your CRM, and one where you're logged into Gmail. Make sure your Gmail email address matches your CRM user email address.

In your Gmail account, you should now see a ProspectSoft 'P' icon (usually situated on the right-hand side). Select an email from your inbox that you'd like to save into the CRM, and click this 'P' icon.

From here, select the 'Connect to Prospect CRM' button. If you're already logged into Prospect (in your other tab), it'll automatically connect you to that profile.

Note: The login page will appear on a new pop-up window so please ensure you have pop-up blockers temporarily disabled on your browser before clicking the 'Connect' button.

Once you've selected 'Connect to Prospect CRM', you'll then get the option to search for a record, such as a Problem or Opportunity.

Simply type in the record ID or the name of the record, click "Search", and it'll show you search results that best match your search query.

Once you've selected the record you wish to save the email to, click "Save Email to this Record" and the email will be saved to the CRM!

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