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Setting Urgent Notes

This article outlines how to set an Urgent Note within the CRM.

Isobel Honour avatar
Written by Isobel Honour
Updated over a week ago

By setting a note as 'Urgent', it'll automatically appear as either a banner or pop-up, making it really easy for all users to see straight away. This article describes how to set urgent notes, but to configure a banner or a pop-up then see Configuring Urgent Notes | Prospect Articles (


  • You'll need to enable urgent notes before you can start setting them - this guide will show you how

Step 1: Adding Urgent Notes

To add an urgent note, simply click on 'Add your Reply here...' within the Activity feed.

Step 2: Add Text & Post as Urgent

Type out your note, and once happy with how it appears, click on the drop-down arrow next to the 'Post' button and select 'Post as Urgent'.

Step 3: Set Expiry Date

By clicking 'Post as Urgent', you'll be asked to set an Expiry Date. If you've already set a Default Urgency Period when configuring your urgent notes, this will default to that system default setting. Once happy, click the 'Post' button.

Step 4: View your Urgent Note

You'll notice that the note you marked as 'Urgent' will appear either in a banner at the top of the CRM record, or in a pop-up when it's opened. Again, this will depend on how your urgent notes have been configured earlier on. 

Step 5: Removing Urgent Notes

To remove an urgent note before its expiry, simply click on the urgent note icon for the required note. By clicking on this icon, the note will be converted from an urgent note to a standard note within the Activity feed. 

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