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Zapier Integration (Preview)
Zapier Integration (Preview)

It's quick and easy to set up integration to Zapier. Let us show you how...

Paul Holland avatar
Written by Paul Holland
Updated over 3 weeks ago

Important: Our Zapier App is in Preview at the moment, so isn't published in the Zapier App Directory yet. Currently, you'll need to use this invitation link to use it.

What is Zapier?

Zapier is an online platform that helps you automate workflows by connecting the apps and services you use. Here's their guide on how it works.

For example, using Zapier for the CRM, you could:

  • Have new Tasks automatically create a calendar event in Google Calendar

  • Get Slack notifications when a CRM Enquiry is logged

  • Create CRM Enquiries from Google Form responses

  • Add new Facebook Lead Ads leads as Enquiries in the CRM


  • Depending on your Zap usage, you may need a paid Zapier Account

  • You'll need a CRM Workspace - if you don't already have one, go ahead and register here

  • You'll also need CRM Admin rights to follow the steps in this article

Step 1: Generate a PAT

In order to use the latest version of the CRM Zapier App, you'll need a Personal Access Token (PAT). Check out our guide here on getting that set up. You will need this for Step 3 of this guide.

You may also need to specify the Datacentre when you add the connection - this will be displayed on the Tokens page for use in Zapier. Please select an appropriate one for your company.

Step 2: Invite

Please use this link to get invited to the Zapier preview.

Once you've clicked on the link, select the 'Accept Invite & Build a Zap' button.

Zapier Prospect CRM invitation

Step 3: Add Connection

  • In Zapier, head to My Apps

  • In the upper right, click 'Add Connection'

  • Search for "Prospect CRM" and select the latest version

If the connection option does not show for you, please try clearing your cache for Zapier by following our guide here.

A new browser or window will open like the example below.

Zapier Account Access

Enter your PAT, then select 'Yes, Continue'.

Your PAT will be authenticated and you'll then be able to use that connection when setting up Zaps.

If you get an error about "Page not Found", the connection should still be added but Zapier did not redirect you to the correct page. There's an open discussion on the Zapier Community forum regarding a fix for this issue, which you can view here.

If the connection doesn't add correctly or you aren't able to see the CRM within 'My Apps', you can also set up the connection by creating a new Zap. The CRM should show as a trigger when creating a Zap. For more information on setting up Zaps, use Zapier's help guide here.

If you want to share this connection within your Zapier Team, you will first need to accept the invitation, and add your connection. Once that is completed, other members in the team will need to accept the invitation using the link in Step 2, they will be able to see the connection once it has been shared.

Updating to a Newer Version

If you're using an older version of the Zapier app in your Zaps, you can edit them to change the version in the "Trigger" step.

Once you've edited one existing Zap to connect it to the new version of the App, you can then amend any other Zaps to just use the new app and connection - without having to reconnect it on each one.

Please note: this will create a new trigger as Zapier will treat this as a separate app, and won't migrate the trigger conditions from the old version. Please make a note of the trigger settings before changing.

Open the Zap and in the Trigger step, click 'Change' on the App & Event section:

Select the latest version of the app in the list:

Once changed, select an event to trigger, then click 'Continue' to be prompted to connect this app to the CRM:

Enter your PAT and any other relevant settings to connect the app to your CRM, then you can continue with the rest of the setup.


We're in the process of setting up some sample Zaps and FAQs, but if you have any questions in the meantime, please drop a message in our chat and a member of the Support team will help out.

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