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Release Notes: V85

See what features, functionality and fixes were shipped in Version 85 (March-April 2022).

Written by Martin Clark
Updated over 7 months ago

Please note: We use Release Rings to systematically roll out new features to users in a way that minimises risk. This means that new updates aren't rolled out to every user on the day they're shipped. Instead, new versions are gradually delivered to a small percentage of customers each day within our specified Release Rings. Of course, if customers report issues with the new update, we can then pause the rollout while we investigate. So, if you can't see the newest updates yet, don't worry - you'll receive them in the next few weeks.

💰 Aged Receivables for QuickBooks Online

Aged receivables information is now available in the CRM for users of QuickBooks Online. This works if you use QuickBooks as your main inventory system, but also works when using a dedicated inventory system (such as Cin7) and then use QuickBooks Online as your Accounting system.

🧙‍♂️ Magic Matrix on Analysis Page

There's now a Magic Matrix section at the bottom of the Company Sales Analysis page. This shows how well you're doing at cross-selling your different products to this particular customer, along with the progress (aware or interested) with products that you're trying to sell to this customer.

🎁 Dashboard Tiles Based on Revenue Instead of Order Value

An option has been added to calculate some Dashboard tiles using revenue (invoiced value) instead of ordered value, where appropriate.

🐛 Other Updates & Features

  • Updated DEAR Inventory address handling to remove delivery addresses that have been deleted in DEAR Inventory.

  • The ability to deliver to the current Contact has been added back to the Quote delivery details drop-down (had been inadvertently removed in a previous update).

  • Updated the styling of required fields - these now appear with a more subtle asterisk next to the field name and only show with a red underline if the user has attempted to submit the form in an invalid state.

  • A “Send” button has been added to the Quote confirmation controls, giving users an easy way to send Quote documents before confirming orders.

  • The ability to specify alt text on product item and product group images in the CMS has been added.

  • Updated the styling of the search windows to move the search bar into the title to save space.

  • Odata API has been updated to recycle later in the morning, at 7.15 UTC to reduce the impact on Australian customers.

  • Fixed a bug where blank translations would cause excessive requests to the translations endpoint.

  • Fixed blank items appearing in custom drop-downs if there were more than 50 options.

  • Improved the consistency of the data showing in the Activity feed. The data will now more consistently populate up to 100 entries of a specific type, with other entry types displaying correctly in between.

  • Updated the API Docs site to use the latest API URL and support authentication via PAT tokens. The documentation has also been improved and updated to match the latest endpoints and data models.

  • Added the ability to exclude members of another Campaign Activity when adding Contacts to a new Campaign Activity.

  • Updated Campaign Activity splitting to split by Company as well as by Contact.

  • Fixed a bug that prevented automatic attachment naming from working if an email is created via Quick Create.

  • Fixed some bugs with removed or duplicated equipment items being carried over when creating new draft contract schedules.

  • The setting “excluded price bands” is now marked as opco specific.

  • Fixed a bug where empty “contains” and “not contains” filters would make Reports very slow.

  • Fixed a bug that prevented the Sales Transactions page from appearing if one of the Company ledgers was a cash account.

  • Fixed a bug where the quote line discount column did not export the correct field when saving to Excel.

  • Fixed a bug where non basic ascii characters would be replaced with “?” symbols when used in email templates. This field now supports all characters from the Windows-1252 codepage, matching other fields in our database.

  • Improved the consistency of the order value tiles when filtered to “Everyone” cube data for “Everyone” now includes values where no Salesperson is assigned.

  • Fixed a bug that prevented zero value delivery charges from being included on DEAR Inventory orders.

  • Fixed a bug that prevented Opportunity Status from being exported to Excel.

  • Fixed a bug that caused customiser fields to appear in a different order after saving customisations.

  • Improved the handling of drop-downs being rendered in very narrow Report columns.

  • Fixed a crash that happened if the email template list contained a null template.

  • Fixed crash when trying to change the parent of a contract via bulk update.

  • Fixed a bug with Xero aged debtors when viewing debts in a different currency from the system default.

  • Improved single character search handling so it still uses a wildcard search if there are other non-single character terms in the request.

  • The ability to create Cin7 sales ledgers from the Contact creation screen has been removed due to the ledger requiring a Contact to be already created.

  • A purchase transactions tab has been added to the Company record if a purchase ledger is assigned.

  • Fixed a bug where the bulk action “Choose Action” button would trigger on pressing enter.

  • Updated the CMS checkout to display the delivery phone number in collection mode.

  • Fixed Katana imports failing if stock levels were found for products with no SKU.

  • Fixed Katana imports not getting disabled on pusher message failure.

  • Fixed Katana sales analysis failing due to transactions having no transaction date.

  • Fixed a bug where repeatedly clicking the “Search” button on the postcode search would create additional address selection drop-downs.

  • Fixed a bug where Opportunity Quotes did not obey the Quote Status or Opportunity Status editability rules.

  • Fixed a crash when clicking show system fields on an Opportunity Report.

  • The product creation button is now hidden by default on systems that don’t support it.

  • Fixed a bug with the CMS pending authorisations plugin where all pending baskets would show under the same Company.

  • Added support for minimum quantities and pack quantities to the CMS product item and basket plugins.

  • Improved the UI of the product item plugin form.

  • Updated the text of the add pack size button to just say “Add”.

  • Added a system option to send the CRM order number to QuickBooks Commerce instead of allowing QuickBooks Commerce to generate its own.

  • Fixed signup pricing looking at the wrong table for prices.

  • Added a link to configure matrix categories to the Magic Matrix system option.

  • Updated the signup URL from /signup to /subscribe.

  • Moved the “Default Mail Client” button on the send email window to the left.

  • Fixed a bug with the new record screen showing extremely narrow fields on mobile.

  • The Automation Manager reports now correctly exclude obsolete data and sort sensibly by schedule.

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