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Troubleshooting Enquiry Web Forms
Troubleshooting Enquiry Web Forms

Troubleshoot embedded Enquiry forms on your website to resolve common issues

Paul Holland avatar
Written by Paul Holland
Updated over a week ago

Enquiry Web Forms are a great way to gather details of potential leads and automatically log them in your CRM, but occasionally there can be issues on your website which stop the form from loading or submitting.

For more information on setting up the Enquiry Web Forms please check out the following guide:

Below are some common problems that can cause these issues, and what you can to do resolve them.

Incorrect reCAPTCHA Keys

The most common issue is incorrect or invalid reCAPTCHA keys or an incorrectly-loaded library.

The CRM web form will only load the reCAPTCHA library if it is not already initiated on the page. If you are embedding the web form on your own site, please ensure that if you are loading reCAPTCHA yourself, it is the correct version of the library.

Please also ensure that you are using the same reCAPTCHA keys in the CRM as you are in the library you are loading on the website.

If you suspect this is the issue, you can test the reCAPTCHA library by opening your enquiry form in a browser, opening the Developer console by pressing F12, then typing:


If Google reCAPTCHA is not loaded, you will see a message "ReferenceError: grecaptcha is not defined"

If it is loaded you will see a different message: "BoundFunctionObject { … }"

If it is loaded with a different key than we are trying to use, you will see an error: "Uncaught Error: Invalid site key or not loaded in api.js"

Mandatory Fields

Some fields can be marked as mandatory in the web form, which should use the browser's HTML validation and pop up a message on submission if this is not filled in. This can make the form appear to not submit.

If these are not being displayed, you will need to investigate the browser version in use to see if it doesn't support these, and see if any additional JavaScript libraries can be added to add in the validation functionality.

Network errors (HTTP4xx or HTTP5xx)

Sometimes there will be an issue when submitting the form that will show a HTTP error in the browser. Any HTTP status codes starting 4xx (bad requests) or 5xx (server errors) indicate the form has been filled in, but there is an issue when submitting the data.

This may require investigation from our Service Desk. If you can recreate the issue in your browser, open the Developer console by pressing F12 and then swap to the Network tab, then submit the form. This will do a POST request to our CRM and you will see a request to If this has a HTTP 2xx response it should be successful; if there is another response code with an error, please make a note of this and get in touch with us at

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