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Creating a New Opportunity

This article outlines how to create a new Opportunity under a Contact.

Isobel Honour avatar
Written by Isobel Honour
Updated over a week ago

Opportunities are used to record information about a potential sale that will hopefully result in a Quote being created or require a follow up later on.

In this article we will take a look at how to create an Opportunity under a Contact. 

You can create an Opportunity from two places within the CRM; using the quick add option or alternatively from the Opportunity page.

To use the quick add option, select the + icon on the right hand side of the Contact and then pick 'Opportunity' from the drop-down list. 

Alternatively, if you navigate to the Opportunity page against a Contact, you can click the + icon to create an Opportunity. 

Both of these routes will take you to the below 'New Record' window.

Description: When entering the description, remember that this is what will be displayed when you are looking under the parent record; therefore, it should have a relevant name.

Sales Person: The Sales Person is whoever takes overall responsibility of the Opportunity . Please note, different users of the CRM can still be set a Task against the Opportunity.

Type: The Opportunity Type should help categorise the sales Opportunity. The Type can be selected from a drop-down and this is configurable if you have the correct level of authority within the CRM.  

Sales Opportunity Pipeline: The Sales Opportunity Pipeline should represent the steps that your sales Opportunity would take from start to finish. For example, your starting status within the pipeline may be 'Unqualified' and the final status may be either Lost or Won. If you have the correct level of authority within the CRM, then you will be able to edit the sales Opportunity pipeline. Please note, you can have multiple Sales Opportunity Pipelines configured. 

Size: The Size determines what revenue value is associated with this particular Sales Opportunity. 

Margin: The Margin should represent the profit margin for this particular Sales Opportunity.

Once happy with the information entered, click 'Create'. 

Further Opportunity Details

The new record will contain the information you entered previously and will also allow you to enter additional information as required. 

Analysis: Here you can select from a drop-down list to help further categorise what the Opportunity relates to. For example, you may want to record if the Opportunity is a one off or if it is returning business. This information can then be used within reports to help build analytics of the sales opportunities you are receiving. 

Size & Margin: These options allow you to record a monetary value against the Opportunity. As with the Analysis, this can then be used within reports to help show a value which will be received if the Opportunity is successful. 

Current Status: This is where you can change the Opportunity's Current Status as the Sales Opportunity moves through the sales process from start to finish. Some of these statuses will require a Task, which means that a CRM user must take responsibility of the Opportunity whilst it's in that current status. 

Source & Source Activity: These are very useful options to record where the Opportunity originally came from. Options could include an Exhibition, a Mail Shot, generated from a Salesperson visit or by visiting your Website. If you have used a Campaign from within CRM, you can use the Source option to link Opportunities to Campaign Activities. This allows you to record potential income based on Activities you have performed, i.e. how many Opportunities and subsequent Quotes were generated after holding an Exhibition. 

Guttometer: The Guttometer is used to record how likely you think the Opportunity is to be successfully completed. A value from 0 – 100 can be entered, this can then be used within reports. 

Activity: This section of the Opportunity shows any information which has been added to the record and any changes of status which have taken place. To add a note to the record, simply click in the section labelled ‘Add your reply here…’. This will open up a new section where you can enter your note. Once happy with your note, click 'Post'. 

Summary: The summary field should be used to provide a general overview of what this Sales Opportunity entails.   

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